Hola Amigos! Today's recipes are going to lead to a
delicious Mexican meal- and of course- it's meatless! For today's meal, we will be making green enchiladas, black beans, salsa, guacamole, & sangria! This meal will have everyone begging you for more! It is spicy & very enjoyable!
Spicy, Healthy Black Beans
Time from start to finish: 1-2 hours
1 bag of Black Beans
1 fresh Jalapeno (cut in half length-wise)
A lot of Water
1 teaspoon Cumin
In a medium pan, pour in the bag of black beans. Cover them in water & add the jalapeno. Place over medium-high heat & bring to a boil. Cover it with a lid. Once it boils, reduce the heat to medium & allow it to cook until the beans are soft. Add water occasionally to ensure the beans are covered at all times. After the beans are soft (about 1-2 hours later), add the cumin. Using a spoon with slits in it, serve up some spicy delicious beans- and only take the jalapeno is you dare!
Mean & Green Enchiladas
Time from start to finish: 40 minutes
Salsa Verde (make this first!)
1 small can of green enchilada sauce (used as a base)

5-6 fresh Tomatillos (these are small, green tomatoes in skins- pictured right)
1-2 Jalapenos (fresh or canned)
1 bunch of Cilantro
1 quartered Spanish Onion
2 tablespoons Minced Garlic
2-3 cubes of Vegetable Bouillon
A little bit of Hot Water
2/3 cup Cold Water
2 tablespoons All-Purpose Flour
In a small sauce pan, add tomatillos, jalapeno(s), cilantro, onion, garlic, and vegetable bouillon. Cover all these ingredients in hot water and bring to a quick boil. Use as little water as possible. (This will keep your sauce thick & rich- as it should be!) After everything is slightly cooked, puree it in a blender, and then return it to the pot. Add the can of store bought green sauce. In a separate cup, combine the cool water and mix in the flour. Add the water-flour mixture to the puree and allow it to thicken for about 5 minutes.
Assembling the Enchiladas
A little bit of Vegetable Oil
20-30 Corn Tortillas
1 medium container of Low-Fat Sour Cream
2 bags (4-5 cups) of Mexican Cheese (or mixed Cheddar & Jack cheese)
Salsa Verde (see previous part of recipe)
Preheat over to 400 F. In a large skillet, heat up about 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Place 3 tortillas slightly overlapping in the skillet & heat them up. They should be soft & easy to roll- not crunchy like a taco! After the 3 tortillas are heated with no brown spots (this means they are too crunch & will not roll), remove them from the skillet & place them on your work space. Grab a little bit of your Mexican cheese (about 2 tablespoons) and place it in the center of the tortilla. Roll it up & line them nicely in a large, rectangular pan. Fill the other 2 tortillas then heat up another batch of 3. Make sure you add another 1 teaspoon of oil before you place the second batch of tortillas so they can heat up evenly. Repeat this pattern until your rectangular pan is full or organized, delicious enchiladas. Now, cover the enchiladas in the sour cream. It should feel like you are frosting a birthday cake, but the cake is enchiladas and the frosting is sour cream. Anyways, don't be stingy with the sour cream. You will need about a cup in total- so get to spreading! Oh, and the back of a spoon makes a great spreading tool. Then, pour on your homemade green sauce. If there is extra salsa verde (this means green sauce is Spanish), put it in a container or zip lock bag & store it in the freezer- it will come in handy when you are craving some enchiladas with little time to spare! Do not put too much salsa verde but put enough to wear you cannot see any naked spots of sour cream. Finally, cover the enchiladas with the rest of the cheese. Finally, slip those enchiladas into the over & set the table. About 15 minutes later, the cheese should be nice & melted on the top & crispy around the edges. Take them out & enjoy! Make sure you use a large spatula to serve them or it could get messy & they may not look as appetizing as they really are!
Mouth-Watering Salsa
Time from start to finish: 10 minutes
1 bunch Cilantro
1 large can Whole-Peeled Tomatoes
1/2 large Spanish Onion (or one small onion)
3 canned Jalapenos & a little bit of Juice
2 teaspoon Salt
Finely chop the cilantro & onion. In a blender, blend the jalapenos & add a little of the juice from the can for 30 seconds. Add chopped onions & cilantro. Blend it again for 30 seconds. Add the can of whole-peeled tomatoes & the salt. Blend for 5 seconds. Serve with chips & guacamole!
Flawless & Easy Guacamole
Time from start to finish: 5 minutes
2-3 Avocados
1 teaspoon Salt
1/2 cup Mouth-Watering Salsa (see above recipe)
In a bowl, mash the avocados (remove the skin & pit of course!). Add the salsa & salt then mix it with a spoon. Serve with chips & salsa! (Hint: if the guacamole is not of the consistency you would like, add a little bit of milk to smooth it out.)
Mamacita's Sangria (Makes a LOT!)
Time from start to finish: 10 minutes
1 gallon of Burgundy
1-1/2 liters of Rose
1-1/2 cups of sugar
1 cup of fruit punch (or one packet of kool-aid fruit punch mix)
1/2 bottle of grenadine (the little bottles most grocery stores sell)
2 cans of orange soda
Fresh strawberries, blueberries, & raspberries (optional)
Combine all the ingredients, except fruit, in a large jug or a huge pot. Stir & sweeten to taste. To store, use the empty wine bottles or other bottles you have. Serve with ice and the optional fresh fruit. Enjoy!
Let us know how your Mexican Fiesta went! Make sure to invite friends & family. This meals serves about 4 people. Pictures & videos to come!